Tahitian Prawns

Dileriz bu tarifi beğendiniz, eğer bir sorunuz vars lütfen bize ulaşın. Teşekkürler


2 lbs Prawns
2 Chopped Onions
2 Crushed Garlic Cloves

8 ozs White Wine
1/4 Cup Finely Chopped Parsley
Salt and Red Pepper to Taste


Wash the prawns thouroughly, breaking off the feelers or legs which are too long. Fry the chopped onion in a heavy frying pan until golden. Add the prawns and continue cooking until they turn red in colour. Season and add a glass of water or dry white wine to the pan, then the crushed cloves of garlic and a light sprinkling of paprika. Cover the pan and allow to simmer for about 5 minutes. Check the seasoning, sprinkle over the fresh parsley and serve hot.

Niye ingilizce???? Keşke ya türkçeye çevirseydiniz ya da hiç yazmasaydınız. İngilizce sitelerden zaten bu tarifi bulabiliyoruz.

Yorumu ekleyen: nova (8 May 2013)

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